الخدمات التي تقدمها الإدارة العامة لوقاية النباتات
التقرير السنوي لوقاية النبات 2019

Launch campaignAnti-insect

Thursday 02 August 2018 08:00 pm / Saba Net Ibb - Saba: Launched today in Ibb provinceCampaign to fight the insect of the "Fall army worm"Which is implemented by the governorate office wi _READMORE

Minister of Agriculture and Governor of Dhamar inaugurate new production lines for potato seed production company (corrected)

Thursday, August 02, 2018 at 09:00 pm / Saba Net [01 August 2018] Dhamar-Saba: Minister of Agriculture and Irrigation Ghazi Ahmed Ali Mohsen and Governor of Dhamar Mohammad Hussein al-Maqdashi inaugu _READMORE

Preliminary results of the inspection and inspection campaign on the stores and shops of pesticides during the period 02-08 October 2018

The Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, represented by the General Directorate of Plant Protection in cooperation and coordination with the judiciary and the relevant security services, carried ou _READMORE

Minister of Agriculture reveals the seizure of 125 tons of banned And prohibitedpesticides

{11-oct-2018} Sana’a-Saba Minister of Agriculture and Irrigation Eng. AbdulmalekQasim al-Thawr revealed t he seizure of 125 tons of banned and severely restricted pesticides The Minister of Agri _READMORE
Minister of Agriculture reveals the seizure of 125 tons of banned And
ster of Agriculture and Irrigation Eng. AbdulmalekQasim al-Thawr revealed t he seizure of 125 tons of banned and severely restricted pesticides The Ministe _READMORE
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